Friday, February 4, 2011

Week 8 update

Hello everyone!

Last week we updated about some fix we made regarding the notebox. However, one problem still prevailed. The problem was that even if we escaped the keyboard (please see the image in last post) the notebox still would be hanging there.  We had to manually push the notes button (a pen) to return to the lecture view. This week we are able to fix this problem as well. So now if we hide the keyboard the notebox also gets automatically hidden.

Though we have been talking about the application that we have been developing, we are also looking towards actually performing usability testing for the application with the targeted users for the application. For the purpose we put together three separate apps. Our main motivation would be to find out the most convenient method to zoom. Zooming would be one of the most important feature of the application. Also there are a lot many ways that we can invoke zoom; some of the most popular methods are tapping and pinching.We are trying to find out the method of zooming that the targeted users would find easier.

Another area that we are looking forward to find out is the appropriateness of the icons and how easily the users can relate to the icons to their intended action. The placement of icons would be another area that we would be focusing on as to how easily they are able to access the icons. As for the icons we are considering to make use two different set of icons (colored and black/white icons) to find which is the more preferred one.

Thus, we have the following applications ready for testing (although some minor work needs to be done in one of the app):
  1. Pinch to zoom (colored icons)
  2. Pinch to zoon (black/white icons)
  3. Tap to zoom (few works remain)
So this week that we have the first two apps completely functional and ready to be rolled out for testing. We are trying out best to get done with last app which we hope to complete by next week!


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