Friday, May 20, 2011

Spring Quarter Reflection

The major achievements this quarter include usability test and further improvements to the application that we have been working on as per the feedback received.  Another highlights would include the participation of Lindsey and Alex in two conferences the Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference and the Posters on the Hill Conference.

We conducted a usability tests on a sample of our target audience in the early weeks of this quarter. It helped us get insight to few areas of our development work like the UI elements as well as the gestures that are used for accessing the application. We found out from the test that most of the users preferred the "pinch to zoom" gesture to "tap to zoom" while zooming in and zooming out the lecture screen area. Also we got some feedback regarding some of the icons that we had used. Most of the participants expressed their confidence that the application would indeed be very helpful to them in their classroom setting provided few modification made. Most of the participants expressed their concern regarding lecture note-box area which is used for writing notes related to the lecture. Whenever the user presses the take notes button a note-box pops onto the screen covering almost 20% which reduces the lecture view area.

Taking few of these feedback we have already started working on some of them like changing few of the icons as well as allowing the user to actually take notes (using stylus) right on top of the lecture screens and saved it. From the usability test, we also found out that the use of keyboards both inbuilt and external presented their specific inconveniences; so we are planning to test out with the use of stylus for the next testing. Also we have been working on features like allowing the user to to select different colors in which they can scribble notes.

We would be extending these work over the summer quarter and we hope to get a lot done then as Lindey and Alex would be working as full-time.


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